Plus ... my new toy!

We had a party with our family and friends last week to celebrate Jeff and Theo's birthday. Theo made a trip to a local retro-arcade with a few friends one day after school as a birthday treat, so I decided to use the outing as inspiration for favors and decor at the party. I made wrappers for Hershey bars and ...

... teething biscuits for the little ones. See those Space Invader aliens up above? Those were made with my new favorite toy!! I've been electronic cutting everything I can think of, it's so fun!!

Theo chose ice cream bars and cookies for dessert ... they're pixels, can't you tell! #easiestcookiesever.

He and his friends had a GREAT time at the arcade. They played for an hour and we all went to Sonic for dinner afterwards. Theo has asked me about a dozen times when they can all do it again.
Oh, I also sent cookies into the classroom on his actual birthday (it's his last year for school birthday treats!) and he requested the same recipe as last year. However, he didn't want to do Star Wars two years in a row, so he chose the message cookie cutters this time ... and the message, of course.
I think we'll be having a lot more fun with these cutters as the kids get older!
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