Friday, January 29, 2010

Sunday School Resources

I'm teaching Sunday school this year for the first time. I was guilted into it. (Ah, guilt, such a powerful motivator.) I'm not very good at it, but it does get easier each week. In the fall, I followed the advice of my very smart and well-organized friend and sat down and made up the curriculum for the year. I wrote down all the class dates, went through the book and selected what lessons and worksheets to use and planned out a theme for each week. This was a huge task, but also a huge help. When I sit down to plan each week, the theme is already in place.

I've found a zillion great resources on the web, but have also come up with a few materials on my own to use in class.

My Finger Prayer - I LOVE the idea of having a little guide for prayer wherever you go. The first graders in our class were probably a little young for this at the time, they may get another copy at the end of the year. I couldn't find an existing printable for this prayer, so I made up my own. The letters are outlined so the kids can color them in, and color the hand, too.

Download Finger Prayer worksheet here.

Heart Puzzle - This went along with our lesson about the Commandments as a reminder of how they can each follow God's Rules. These were printed out on color card stock and the kids got to cut them out and practice piecing them back together again. Each kid got a little envelope to take their heart home. (Busywork you say? Bullseye.)

Download Heart Puzzle worksheet here.

Pretzel Labels - This was a big hit, we used this at the beginning of the year during our lesson on prayer. All the kids got a little clear bag of pretzels with this label stuck on the bag. I read them an expanded version of the story (found online) while they snacked. I discovered something very important that day: when children are eating, they are not talking. This is a sheet of six labels, sized to fit on Avery 3x5 address labels, or print on a large label sheet and trim out.

Download Pretzel labels here.

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