A trip to the Liberty Bell.

We talked about how the colonists came up with symbols for their new country to show that they were newly independent. We made family flags.

Dora's flag is red, blue and purple, representing the favorite colors of everyone in our family. The purple stripe is in the middle because red and blue make purple. Both kids included five stars to represent the five of us.

They made patriotic t-shirts to wear for the 4th. (Instructions from Family Fun.)

Clark didn't want to wear his t-shirt yesterday morning. So Jeff flipped it around and said "Look! A plain blue shirt!" Brilliant.

We had practiced the fireworks printing on paper before putting them on shirts.

And our practice paper made an awesome banner.

And then ... Uncle Sam pins! (Also from Family Fun.)

The googly eyes make these extra adorable. These were fun to make.

This was Theo's. Because why have a regular Uncle Sam, when he can have two heads instead?

And we even had a good ol' fashioned protest this week.

(He just got a trim.)
That "Don't cut my hair" protest sign is a hoot!!