I did think they had a chance to place this year - the story was good and they had really great scenery, props, and an original song that was pretty catchy - but we were all hoping for third. They'd get to hear their school called and go up and receive medals. It would have been a well-earned victory, because they have worked so hard for it this year. Many, many hours put in to this project. (I'm not going to post pics of their actual project yet, because it's on to States in two weeks!)

They were competing against ten other teams. They ended up tying for second for their long-term score and tying for first in style points. But it was their spontaneous score that put them over the top! First place in their problem and number three overall in their division. So great!

The other team from our school also won - for the kids on both teams to hear their school name called back to back was such a thrill. The parents and kids were going nuts.

I told a friend the next day that it was probably the most exciting day of my life. Jeff balked - um, hey, what about getting married and having kids? And I realized later that both those things involved lots of work from me ... this win was pure excitement on my end. Now I know what it's like to cheer for a winning sports team, something I've never, ever done before!

Our kids are not competitive at all, and neither was I growing up. OOTM is the only thing the kids have actually competed in, and certainly the first time they've ever won.

I was wondering how the day would be for Theo, since this is the first year he's opted not to be on the team. He was such a great sport - cheering for everyone and good wishes all around.

The kids on the team are each taking a turn having the trophy at home this week before it will go in the display case at school. Participation trophies are nice and all - our kids certainly enjoy getting them in recreational sports - but now they know that actually winning one feels a zillion times better!
Congratulations! Fred and Pat Weber would be very proud in your continuation of the OM tradition. :-)