Here they are, cooked and naked!

These are Clark's creations. He's usually not an arts & crafts kid, but he got really into this project, and did a fantastic job. Rudolph and the red heart are my favorites.

Dora's work. I love the details she added to the snowman - I never would have thought of adding a scarf. She made the zebra striped candy cane for a friend who likes zebras. I tried to paint a tie dye heart that turned out not so great - it ended up in the trash - but she took the idea for her own and made it fabulous!

Theo really took his time and did a great job, too - I love the multicolored star. His was the inspiration for my failed heart which then turned into Dora's terrific one! It was neat how we got ideas from each other, but everyone made them their own.

Grandma's sweet ornaments! I kept the tree for myself - so cute - and she took the others home to use for gifts.

And these are mine. I was quite pleased with the happy face bells, since I never know what to do with bells. The red cocoa mug is my favorite.

They look so cute all together. Fun project!!
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