Baking Monday is officially on hiatus from June – August, but I still manage to try out a few new treats during the summer months. I tease Jeff because in the past, he's used the kids to ask for desserts, but I applaud his forwardness as he looked me in the eyes last week and said, "Sweets ... I'd like some baked goods, please."

I'm not in the habit of buying specialty baking products, but this little donut maker was on super-sale at Target a few months ago, and I couldn't pass it up. Look how cute!

I broke it in using the original recipe that came with the maker (plus 1/4 tsp of vanilla). Recipe said it would make 10 donuts, I ended up with 16. They were glazed with Hershey's Perfectly Chocolate Frosting (1/2 recipe made more than enough).

This was fun! Yes, it was kind of a pain to only cook five donuts at a time, but start to finish, from mixing to frosting, these only took an hour of kitchen time. I used a fabric pastry bag to fill the pan, a squeeze bottle would probably also work well. No substitute for the real thing, but still a yummy snack. I'm looking forward to experimenting with other donut recipes!
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